论文: [1]G.J. Yao, J.Y. Liu, H.R. Zhang, and Y. Li, “Phase differences estimation for diagonal ULAs within a fully filled rectangular array based on degenerated spatial ARMA process,” Signal Process.,2025, doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.sigpro.2025.109985. [2]G.J. Yao, D.C. Sun, Y.X. Zhao, J.L. Sui, Y.N. Tian, and Y. Li, “Weak signals recovery of downhole DAS with scale-weighted nonlocal selective attention,” IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens., vol.62, no.6, pp.5917513(1)-(13), 2024. [3]G.J. Yao, H.R. Zhang, L. Li, and F.Y. Hu, “The ORLS-based DoA estimation for unknown mixtures of uncorrelated and coherent signals under unknown number of sources,” IEEE Signal Process. Lett., vol. 28, pp. 1105-1109, 2021. [4]G.J. Yao, L. Li, W.G. Lv, and H.R. Zhang, “A Degenerate spatial ARMA process of external sources impinging upon an Azimuth-only ULA and the estimation of DoAs and noise variances,” IEEE Access, vol.8, no.12, pp. 221871-221885,2020. [5]H.R. Zhang, P. Jiang, G.J. Yao*, and L. Li,“Source Enumeration based on the singular vector of hankel matrix for low signal-to-noise ratio,” Circuits Syst. Signal Process., vol.36, pp.1085-1098, 2017.(通信作者) [6]G.J. Yao, H.R. Zhang, and K.X. Wang, “Ultrasonic characteristic of phase shift of layered structure and the determination of layer thickness”,IEEE Trans. Ultrason., Ferroelectr., Freq. Control,2013, vol.60, no.2, pp.2545-2552, 2013. [7]G.J. Yao, R.L. Song, H.B. Lin, X.L. Zhang, and K.X. Wang, “A direct determination of acoustical impedance of a thin layer on a thick elastic substrate by the ultrasound,” J. Sound Vib., vol.331, no.7, pp.1542-1551, 2012. [8]G.J. Yao, Z.W. Cui, R.L. Song, and K.X. Wang, “An ultrasonic method for determination of acoustic impedance, time of flight, and attenuation of a thin linear-viscoelastic layer”, J. Appl. Phys., vol.102, no.10, pp.104903(1)-(6), 2007. [9]G.J. Yao, H.R. Zhang, and K.X. Wang, “A calculation approach for acoustic impedance and time-of-flight of an embedded elastic thin layer by ultrasound”, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys., vol.39, no.21, pp. 4643-4650, 2006. 专利: [1]姚桂锦,张海蓉,岳东旭,李玲,赵海艳, “基于退化的空间ARMA模型的多维传感器阵列信源测向方法”, 授权公告号:CN 113640736 B, 授权日期:2023年07月25日. [2]姚桂锦,张正超,张海蓉,“基于目标源相移差分技术的一维均匀线性阵列测向方法”,授权公告号:CN 108020811 B, 授权日期:2021年2月19日.