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发布日期 :2024-09-17作者 :点击 :

姓名 李启豪 民族 汉族

出生日期 1993年 工作单位 通信工程学院
党派 群众 专业 通信工程
职称 副教授 任职时间 2023年4月
硕导/博导 博士/硕士导师 聘任时间 2023年4月
行政职务 担任时间
办公电话 19396267599 个人主页 https://github.com/washake
电子信箱 qihaol@jlu.edu.cn

2007.09-2011.07 重庆邮电大学 信息与通信工程 学士

2011.09-2013.07 挪威阿哥德大学 信息与通信技术 硕士

2016.02-2017.02 加拿大滑铁卢大学 电气与计算机工程 访问学者

2014.01-2019.03 挪威奥斯陆大学 信息学 博士

2019.12-2021.12 加拿大滑铁卢大学 电气与计算机 博士后


2021.12 新一代通信产业研究院,东莞理工学院 讲师,副研究员

2023.04 吉林大学 副教授 硕导、博导


工业互联网:工业传感器网络 (IWSNs),无线接入协议设计和优化,传感器定位以及 Sybil攻击发现,检测和分类。




2024年至今, IEEE Internet of Things Journal 编委


- 2024年 IEEE Globecom Workshop on Ubiquitous Network Intelligence for Next Generation

Wireless Networks(TPC Chair)

- 2024年 IEEE CIC/ICCC Workshop on Digital Twins and Pervasive Intelligence Synergy in

Next-Gen 6G Networks(TPC Chair)

- 2023年 IEEE CIC/ICCC Workshop(TPC Chair)


- IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), 17 – 24

- IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), 18 – 24

- IEEE International Conference on Communications in China (CIC/ICCC), 17 – 24

- BDEC-SmartCity’ 18, 19

- IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC) 19-Fall 24-Spring

- 3ICT’ 20


通信与网络 本科

传感器网络 硕士








Refereed Journal Papers (selected)

[J1] Q. Li, J. Chen, M. Cheffena, X. Shen, “Channel-Aware Latency Tail Taming in Industrial IoT,” IEEE Trans. on Wireless Commun.,

vol.22, no. 9, page 6107-6123, 2023.

[J2] Q. Li, N. Zhang, M. Cheffena, X. Shen, “Channel-based Optimal Back-off Delay Control in Delay-Constrained Industrial WSNs,”

IEEE Trans. on Wireless Commun., vol. 19, no. 1, page 696-711, 2020.

[J3] Q. Li, M. Cheffena, “Exploiting Dispersive Power Gain and Delay Spread for Sybil Detection

in Industrial WSNs: A Multi-Kernel Approach,” IEEE Trans. on Wireless Commun., vol. 18, no. 3, page 1805-1818, 2019.

[J4] Y. Bi, R. Fu, C. Jiang, G. Han, Z. Yin, L. Zhao, Q. Li, “Single Source Cross-Domain

Bearing Fault Diagnosis via Multi-Pseudo Domain Augmented Adversarial Domain-Invariant Learning,” IEEE Internet of Things, Early

Access, DOI: 10.1109/JIOT.2024.3421326, 2024.

[J5] Z. Li, F. Hu, Q. Li, Z. Ling, Z. Chang, and Timo Hamalainen, “AoI-Aware Waveform Design for Cooperative Joint Radar-

Communications Systems with Online Prediction of Radar Target Property,” IEEE Trans. on Commun., Early Access, DOI:

10.1109/TCOMM.2024.3392748, 2024.

[J6] M. Gao, B. Ai, Y. Niu, Q. Li, Z. Han, Z, Zhong, X. Shen and N. Wang“IRS-Assisted High-Speed Train Communications: Performance

Analysis and Optimal Configuration,” IEEE Internet of Things, vol. 10, no. 21, 2023.

[J7] B. He, J. Wang, Q. Qi, Q. Ye, Q. Li, J. Liao, X. Shen, “ShuttleBus: Dense Packet Assembling with QUIC Multi-Stream Independent

Transfer for Massive IoT,” IEEE Trans. on Mobile Comput., Early Access, DOI: 10.1109/TMC.2023.3345898, 2023.

Refereed Conference Papers (selected)

[C1] Q. Li, F. Hu, “Digital Twin-enabled Channel Access Control in Industrial IoT” in Proc. IEEE/CIC ICCC 2024.

[C2] Q. Li, M. Li, N. Zhang, F. Hu, “Digital twin-enabled Channel Access and Power Control Optimization in Industrial IoT” in Proc.

IEEE Globecom 2024.

[C3] Q. Li, M. Li, J. Kang, F. Hu, “Digital twin-based Intrusion Detection in Smart Grid: A

Multi-kernel Knowledge Replay Approach” in Proc. IEEE Globecom 2024.

[C4] H. Liu, M. Li, F. Gu, Q. Li, W. Zhang, S. Guo, “End-to-end Flow Scheduling Optimization for Industrial 5G and TSN Integrated

Networks”, in Proc. IEEE Globecom 2024.

[C5] Z, Li, F. Hu, Z. Ling, S. Song, Q. Li, “Sensing-Communication Trade-off in Vehicular Network with Spatially-Spread OTFS

Modulation: An AoI-and-CRB-based Power Allocation Scheme”, in Proc. IEEE Globecom 2024.

[C6] X. Su, M. Li, Q. Li, C. Chen, S. Guo, X. Wang, “Energy Consumption Prediction for Manufacturing in Industrial IoT Based on

Heterogeneous GNN”, in Proc. IEEE/CIC ICCC 2024.

[C7] T. Yang, Q. Li, F. Hu, “Intelligent Congestion Control in QUIC for Reliable E2E Communication Network: A Digital Twin-based

Approach,” in Proc. IEEE/ICCC 2024.

[C8] J. Liao, J. Wen, J. Kang, Y. Zhang, J. Du, Q. Li, W. Zhang, D. Yang, “Optimizing Information Propagation for Blockchain-

empowered Mobile AIGC: A Graph Attention Network Approach”, in Proc. IEEE IWCMC 2024.

[C9] T. Yang, Q. Li, N. Zhang, L. Zhao, F. Hu, “Efficient Federated Learning in Mobile Vehicular Networks: Intelligent User Selection

and Resource Optimization”, in Proc. IEEE VTC 2024.

[C10] Z. Li, F. Hu, Q. Li, Z. Chang, T. Hamalainen, “Optimizing Waveform Power Allocation in Cognitive DFRC Systems: An Individual

User AoI Preference-Based Approach”, in Proc. IEEE Globcom 2023.

[C11] Q. Li, W. Wu, W. Zhang, X. Shen, “Online Traffic Prediction in Multi-RAT Heterogeneous Network: A User-Cybertwin

Asynchronous Learning Approach”, in Proc. IEEE PIMRC 2023.


吉林大学通信工程学院 联系电话:0431-85152948 地址:长春市南湖大路5372号 邮编:130012